Now you can bank when it's convenient for you. Colonial Online gives you 24-hour access to your Colonial banking accounts and other services from the comfort of your home, office or neighborhood coffee shop!
View account balances and summaries
View account history and check images
View transactions in simple checkbook format
Export account history to personal accounting software
Transfer funds between accounts on a one-time or recurring basis, including installment loan payments
Set up balance activity alerts
View electronic checking and savings statements in a secure environment
Read feedback from real Colonial customers and see how we’re enhancing their banking experience with exceptional service and personalized solutions.
“All the ladies at Colonial in Colleyville are friendly, caring, and service friendly. I highly recommend this bank!”
Ruth E.
“It is so refreshing to be a customer of a business that is so concerned with customer service. From someone answering the phone and not getting a phone tree, to being greeted at the front door, to employees truly there for you. I highly recommend Colonial Savings.”